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Trap Loan Terms & Conditions

Please be aware that the trapping process always causes some stress to the cat. In order to minimise this stress, we require you to follow these steps:

• Monitor the trap frequently (at least once every hour).
• Once you have trapped a cat, cover the trap with a blanket or towel.
• If you are not getting the cat desexed and returned to its territory yourself, be prepared to transport the cat immediately to the nearest appropriate rescue. You must have made arrangements with the relevant organisation prior to trapping.
• If you are unable to transport the cat to a rescue or vet clinic immediately, you must hold the cat in a safe and isolated room or appropriate holding crate until you are able to arrange transport. In some cases we may be able to assist with transport.
• The cat must not be left in the trap for more than six hours.
• Follow all instructions given to you by the Outpawed volunteers.

Please note that if you live in a densely populated area there is a high risk of trapping a companion/owned (domestic) cat. If this occurs, ensure the cat is not injured and release him/her immediately. Trapping must take place on private property. If the property is not occupied by you, ensure you have consent from the owner/resident. Please note you may be liable for the cost associated with any injury caused to an owned animal.

The trap is to be returned to our registered address in working order and within five days of the date received, unless prior arrangements have been made to hold the trap for a longer period. Any trap belonging to The Outpawed Rescue Trust must not be used for the purpose of trapping and euthanising or killing healthy cats. The trap must not be left unattended while set for any length of time.

This service is free of charge, however a bond of $50 will be required when you collect the trap. This will be returned to you when the trap is returned in good condition by the agreed time. You will be held responsible for the cost of replacement if our trap is lost, stolen or damaged while on loan to you. If the cat is coming into the care of The Outpawed Rescue Trust, we will be responsible for all decisions relating to the care, health and welfare of the cat(s). 

You must disclose any and all information you hold pertaining to the cat(s) you wish to trap. The address where the trapping will take place must be recorded on the trap loan request form. The trap must be used only at this address unless prior arrangements have been made for it to be used off-site.

Please see our contact details below if you have any questions or require advice on trapping:

The Outpawed Rescue Trust OR


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